Hola. Hallo. Hello. My name is Carmen Ibáñez and I am an ombudswoman for EIRENE. Please contact me, if you need someone to talk to. I will listen, if you want to talk about your experiences of racism or any other form of discrimination. It does not matter whether you have been attacked yourself, or have been accused of something, or have observed something which you want to talk about. I am here for everyone. I will stand by you and will be happy to support you in finding answers to your questions. Our conversation is always confidential, unless you want me to talk to someone else in particular about it.

It is also my job to foster anti-racist skills among employees and to promote institutional learning within the organisation. That is why I come to a lot of EIRENE events. You can talk to me there or write me an email: ombudsperson [dot] carmen [at] eirene [dot] org (ombudsperson[dot]carmen[at]eirene[dot]org)  I will then get in touch with you. And we can arrange to meet. Welcome!

Good day! We are Sabine Maier and Nils Muthmann. If an internal body within EIRENE is unable to find consensus or if an external institution or individual is in conflict with the association, they can turn to us. We were most recently appointed as ombudspersons by the General Assembly in 2016. We carry out our duties independently and do not take instructions from anyone. If you would like our support, please contact us at Ombudspersonen [dot] Sabine [dot] Nils [at] eirene [dot] org (Ombudspersonen[dot]Sabine[dot]Nils[at]eirene[dot]org)

We will then talk with all the parties involved and decide how the conflict is to be handled and how a good solution is to be found. We may require the bodies and institutions concerned to engage in direct dialogue and, if necessary, we may suggest an external moderator. We are also free to initiate alternative forms of conflict management. We accompany those who have appealed to us, until the matter has been resolved. The highest authority, as in any association, is the General Assembly. We report to the General Assembly about our actions.

Hello! We are Augusta Muhimpundu and Felix Sirrenberg. In December 2021 the employees of EIRENE elected us to serve for two years. We both have a small additional part to our job, which involves fostering anti-racism change in the organisational culture of EIRENE. We plan training programmes and facilitate reflection on how we all work together at the head office. We also see ourselves as contact persons for anyone who wants to talk about experiences of discrimination